Here's our driveway this morning at about 8 AM. It's deteriorated quite a bit since then, and the rain's still coming down. Some of the erosion is now so deep that even a high-riding four-wheel-drive truck can't negotiate it.

Obviously, the Internet's still working, and the power's still up. Rain's still bucketing down, and there's a lot of water still to come down off that mountain.
Some folks live uphill from us, sharing that driveway, and the situation for them is, if anything, worse. We'll split the cost of the driveway repair with them, and figure out what to do about groceries. I'm thinking about those goddamned bunny rabbits in our hedgerow, all 8000 of them. Might be time for them to contribute their fair share to the larder. Be vewwy, vewwy quiet...
Looks like you might be able to augment your hasenpfeffer with a trout taken from your driveway.
Dinner at Neddie's!
Trade you some of our fire for your rain.
Jay in NM
My wallet aches just looking at that picture.
I don't get it - what's the problem? Looks just like my road under normal Spring conditions. Just gotta drive slowly...
At least our culvert didn't blow out this year...
Somehow, several feet of snow disappeared in a couple of weeks without any flooding. Damned close, but no flooding.
My wallet aches just looking at that picture.
Nah, guy came today with a Bobcat with a front-loader attachment, zip-zip-zip, smoothe here, dig there, done in a couple of hours. Two Franklins, which I paid gladly for the privilege of being able to leave my house and shop for groceries.
Did you see that Pasq Wilson died? There was an obit in the Austin newspaper. I knew him from the Selwyn School. What happened with him after that? I guess he lived in Austin for a while, that's where I live.
Thomas: Do you mean this?
God, I hope that's not him, but have a pretty good hunch that it is. Right age, right "real" name. Shit, that sucks. One of life's most vivid eccentrics. hvled
Thomas: Pasq's Obituary.
What was his story? I remember him pretty well from Selwyn, but I lost track of him after that...
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