So as not to wind up chasing my family about the Overlook Hotel with firemens' hardware and discussing the affairs of the day with spectral bartenders, I find other, less violent diversions. Say, poetry.
The double-dactyl form has always interested me, and I thought I'd try my hand at it....
Heeeeere's Johnny!
Jack at the Overlook
Sat at a table
Composing a lay.
'Twas dullness itself, this
Jack's been, of lately,
All work and no play.

Well, copy-and-pasting "All work and no play," etc., a thousand times, would be a bit silly, wouldn't it?
Very clever.
I've been experimenting with different rhyming schemes, noting how they fit the flow of music. iambic tetrameter creates a wonderful, succinct flow in 4/4, but anapestic tetrameter seems to end up sounding like Dr. Seuss.
Wasn't familiar with this double-dactyl form though, and it might be worth experimenting with. You've obviously mastered it. As such, do you think it fits a 6/8 rhythm with the backbeat on the 4?
Welcome back, Ned! We've missed you!
My college chum Jim F. composed a double dactyl 40 years ago- using the name of an early psychoanalyst- which was so fiendishly clever that I never even attempted one:
Harry Stack Sullivan's
Patient had visions of
Birds in his bed,
Till the good Doctor tried
Thereby dissolving the
Rocs in his head.
Dangerous Type
Theodore Kaczynski
Sat in his cabin
Composing a tome.
Lacking the tools,
Explosive opinion
Drove his point home.
...errr, should have been: Sociologically
Mark it 8, Dude.
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