If the term leaves you nonplussed, read about it here.
- Blue Wren takes on Andrew Sullivan's goober religiosity.
- Fred Wickham examines the Super Bowl commercials.
- Jeremy Cherfas makes him some cheese.
- James Finn Garner yawps at Rod Blagojevich.
- Will Divide, my Chumps of Choice partner in crime, rereads Huckleberry Finn. Didn't know he was doing this; I'm in!
- Christopher Walsh has the same reaction I did to Obama's mention of "unbelievers" in his Inaugural speech.
- Giggles, at Wits and Wiggles, reviews her some movies.
Why thank you, kind sir, for the shout out!!
So far most of my readers have been, judging from the search topics, morose teenagers looking for help with their homework.
Thanks for directing a no-doubt-finer group my way.
And guthoo!
I am flattered and humbled, sir!
Flattered, humbled, and grateful, too. I hope I don't disappoint. But, and I quote, "To You, It's a Blogroll; to Me, It's a Sacred Trust"
Thanks. As somebody once said, I'm flattered and humbled.
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