Wednesday, May 06, 2009

"Can You Vouch for Your Fries?"

I thought Obama and Biden's visit to a Rosslyn burger joint yesterday was hilarious. Not for any ironic or underhanded reasons, but simply because the event on videotape is just...funny. Obama's slightly stilted and very polite demeanor while ordering, asking about the (nonexistent) fries, the skeptical look on his face when the alternative, "Cheesy Tater Puffs," is suggested, his desire for a spicy or Dijon mustard, his insistence on paying for the food instead of taking a freebie -- "these people [the 6,432 reporters in attendance] are gonna write about how we're freeloading." All good, silly fun.

I note with approval Obama's preference for Dijon. Stick in the French-haters' (and French's-Mustard philistines') eye. Good man. When I prepare my own burgers, the combination of toppings I strongly prefer (and they must be together, or my delight is diminished) numbers three: Dijon mustard, guacamole, and bacon. This is, in my opinion, the most delightful food on the planet.

Sorry about the obligation to have the burgers done medium-well. I imagine that, were he manning the barbeque, Obama might have a preference for a burger that does not quite so much resemble a hockey-puck; but it wouldn't do to allow Ray's Hell Burger to earn a reputation as The Restaurant that Gave the President an E. Coli Infection.

Speaking of which, it may be leaving the radar-screen in ignominy as the most overhyped disease scare ever, but a teacher at the school next door to Betty's was diagnosed with Swine Flu yesterday. That is all.


Carl said...

You realize, of course, that the wingnut-o-sphere will leap on the Dijon mustard thing. "What is he, a FRENCHMAN?!? Give me good ol' American mustard any day!"

I'm hitting Ray's Hell-Burger on Friday. I have an 11:30 meeting downtown, with no specific obligations thereafter. I like those days because it means I can eat anywhere between DC and Fairfax.

Neddie said...

They're way ahead of you.Read the comment thread, it's pretty funny. The good Professor tries to insist it was meant as a joke, but it sure don't read like no joke to me.

Christopher said...

I had a burger with avocado on it for the first time last week, and it will be hard to go back now.

Also, there is a brilliant burger place here in Chicago called Kuma's Corner -- the burgers are all named after metal bands. The Slayer is a particular favorite.

Monado said...

Just because a fire is put out promptly doesn't mean it was a false alarm.

We had SARS here in 2003 and it was very dangerous. The person who brought it back to Toronto got it from someone taking or waiting for the same elevator. Many health-care professionals got sick in spite of infection-control routines. The fatality rate for people over 50 was quite high, over 60% as I recall; and many of those who survived were essentially disabled: their lung function will never be the same. Emerging disease are nothing to sneeze at.

Neddie said...

Emerging disease are nothing to sneeze at. Oh! I see what you did there!

bobby lightfoot said...

Diseases of th' reproductive tract are nothing to discharge at.

Involuntary Stu said...

My muscles won't cramp without a contract.

Dr Dave said...

On the other hand, good reason exists for the American distrust of Dijon mustard and other Frenchy affectations. Check out my artcile on the subject, "From the Awakening to the Matrix: Why Bubba hates the French" if you dare:

Neddie said...

Dave: I'm more inclined to trace the source of the friction somewhere near to the Battle of Hastings, or perhaps Agincourt. Never been a lot of love lost between Our Cousins and the Frogs.