The idea of forcing myself to watch the spectacle of an entire industry as worm-eaten, mold-encrusted and pus-riddled as Big Music sucking its own vile, boil-strewn cock fills me with an unimaginable nausea. To even add one two-zillionth of a Nielsen point to such an exercise in rank, naked cynicism is a moral failing of Rumsfeldian proportion.
So, naturally, I'll be kibitzing along with Blue Girl's live-blog of this disgusting, death-affirming Nuremberg Rally for everything that is wrong with humanity -- that's tomorrow evening at NewCritics, starting at 7:30.
Plus, there's the Police Reunion. That should be amusing. Oh -- and the traditional segment in the third hour when they throw an actual, live human baby into a cage full of starved pit-bulls. I always enjoy that.
I just hope BlueGirl and the gang don't mind a brief quote or two from the Book of Revelation -- just to keep their feet on the ground, y'unnerstan'....
Wow, man, that Vicodin really mellows you right out.
Sorry; Vicodin-induced typos...
Meant to ask, What, too bitter?
(Not, "What, to biter?")
Jeddie, if you're still alive, check your email.
My word verification thingy is: ytvyy
Yes, why? TV? Why? Why?
I'm actually up for a Grammy this year.
Wait- I'm short. Make that half a grammy.
bobby lightfoot!
Would you please email me at abluegirlinaredstate@yahoo.com?
I've got a question for you!! Email asap, if you can, please.
Thank you, sir.
...your brother has not emailed me yet. Does he care nothing about my live blogging prep needs?
Hey, sorry. Hey that email address ain't working for me.
Here's th' timesaver for you, though- I already know what the question is, so here's the answer-
Yes, I am a model in my spare time.
The Grammys and all the other awards shows are nothing more than someone else's industry self-congratulatory rites. You don't spend time or worry over the trade meetings held by the auto industry or prizes handed out by the vinyl siding salesmen or the surgical instrument representatives. Don't waste any effort on this trade show. Do your PT exercises, get plenty of rest, drink your fluids, and love on Wonder Woman. The rest of it ain't worth your sweat.
Of course: It's your blog, you get to air your own gripes. I'm just sayin'.
i put your grammy comment up on my blog (with acknowledgement) i liked it so much, hope you don't mind.
Not having access to network TV helps. I was unable to watch, though I did read the results of the live blogging this morning.
And, yeah, Justin Timberlake is weird looking. I don't trust him, man. His eyes are too far apart and he stiffed Bobby on a half gram.
Dude, I was mimbling when I told you the story- sorry.
Actually what happened was he half-grammed th' one eyed snake.
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