You need only two degrees of separation.
These degrees may include song lyrics, band members, musical passages, or biting and chewing poodles.
Two degrees shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be two. Three shalt thou not enumerate, neither enumerate thou one, excepting that thou then proceed to two. Four is right out. Two degrees. Of separation.

"Senax Mnccn naq gur Zbguref" ner ersreerq gb va "Fzbxr ba gur Jngre". fhat ol Vna Tvyyvna, nyfb gur ibvpr bs Wrfhf va gur bevtvany WPF erpbeqvat.
Unless you call that three steps, not two.
(More rot-13, which looks way too much like Klingon to be comfortable): Lrf, lbh'er pbeerpg, ohg lbh zvffcryyrq Vna'f ynfg anzr, juvpu vf "TVYYNA" abg TVYYVNA, fb lbh, V'z nsenvq, YBFR.
Yvonne Elliman played Mary Magdalene and sang back-up on Clapton's I Shot the Sheriff. Clapton played on Zappa's We're Only In It For The Money (he also appears in the Pepper-like album art).
Ian Gillan, lead singer of Deep Purple, played the part of Jesus in the original stage play. He also mentions "Frank Zappa and The Mothers" in "Smoke on the Water."
Penguin in bondage = Jesus
sorry, I'm anonymous above.
See my Zappa poster circa 1988 at my flickr account daevideo.
(search: daevideo flickr ) in google
Here's an easier one. Jesus Christ Superstar and Jenna Jameson. Two degrees, I swear.
JCSS Composer Baron Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber was honored with a 2006 Kennedy Center Award along with Zubin Metha, who conducted several Zappa orchestral pieces (and got a mention in "Billy the Mountain").
Neddie, are you kidding?
Pontius Pilate was spineless roman muppet... Frank Zappa coined the word "Mup?"
... and then ye shall blow thine enemies to little bits with thy amps."
Both were sorely tempted by the Devil in the wilderness? (See Zappa's adventure seeking his "Titties and Beer".)
Henry McCulloch to Paul McCartney to John Lennon to Zappa.
That's three degrees, but I don't care!
i belive u rock like a hurricane
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