The floor of a parking garage across the street from where I found the first Hobo Signs:

It's a veritable Tutankhamen's Tomb of Hobo Sign, a Lascaux, a Bayeaux Tapestry of Hobo Culture... And surveyors and electrical engineers -- you ain't telling me this isn't as incomprehensible as Linear B. Find something mundane in this stuff!
They look like pipe diagrams to me,Neddie.
I don't like. It looks sinister. What are them hobos up to?
Wow! Who knew that those plumbing prints that I work with every day were part of a neferious Hobo plot!
Thanx, Neddie! I have been warned!
Just what are those hobos planning on sending through those pipes, huhÉ (and I`ll type a question mark just as soon as I can get this damned keyboard back to English)
God knows what those hobos write when they sneak into the kitchen at night but they obviously prefer la langue de Moliere..
A good hammer drill, a 5 gallon bucket with a hole in the bottom. What we have here is an illegal sewage tapping goin on. Goddamned hobo squatters is right!
Must be a lot of window pies in the neighborhood.
I just have a quick question for you but couldn't find an email so had to resort to this. I am a progressive blogger and the owner of the mahablog. Please email me back at when you get a chance. Thanks.
Good God, Neddie.
Where are you?
Indeed, third anonymous, where is he? One hopes not captured by the hobos, held in a boxcar on an abandoned W&OD siding, forced into giving them sponge baths and reciting from Against the Day until he explains why he was photographing their messages, what happened to the 230 bottles of
Ripple that were hidden under the loading dock, and why he was carrying an autographed picture of Ernest Borgnine as a bookmark in a dog-eared paperback copy of V.
Tell them, Neddie! The Big Rock Candy Mountain will always be there, just around the next bend.
He lost it all in the Recession-Depression. Poor Neddie.
Neddie found the secret passageway I believe. He's escaped. Find some more of those signs he's been posting - surely he's found the way to slip into the alternative universe, you know, the one where FDR didn't die while at that pool in Georgia butFDR went to Florida and found what Ponce de Leon was looking for. And Neddie is living in the liberal paradise. We've got to find the path.
Neddie, leave us a sign. Please.
Blue Girl and he have colluded on music. She might know what the deal is with Neddie. check with blue girl and leave a message here if you find out anything.
Neddie flew away...and got caught in a mist net. Let him go you stupid rangers!
A favorite
I'm guessing our friend Neddie has lost interest in this little diversion.
I wish you the best, Neddie, and I hope that whatever has your attention now is something positive.
It's been an honor.
He'll be back.
One day he'll get the urge to write another Why They Awarded Me the Légion d'Honneur and we'll have him!
This comment is dated 5/28/2010.
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