It's always a nice thing to find oneself perkily perched atop someone's blogroll (I congratulate myself daily on my accidental perspicacity in choosing a
nom de blog so near the top of the alphabet), but this one's a particular chest-puffer.
Jeremy Cherfas, a tip of the straw boater to you!
May your manhood never be redundant.
Ned, I've got to assume that you knew what you were doing when you composed your tit-for-tat headline. Which makes you smart.
So, thanks.
Bearing in mind Mark Twain's observation that it's better to keep one's yap shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt, I will maintain a Sphyngian silence.
Followed the link on redundant manhood to alibris.com expecting some hot mohel action. Disappointed.
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