People, I need to get my hit-count up to 500 page-loads today, or the Child Welfare Authorities will take my baby away. Won't you please help? Any small gift or tax-deductible contribution will help, but please, please, please -- don't delay.
Please click here 500 times.
Thank you so much.
One meelyon hits. Skippy wants one MEELyon hits by tonight. Yeesh.
well, see, the thing about skippy is, he sees this all as a community effort, and any time you ask him for something (within reason) he ponies up.
When you've been railing against the fates for three years or so, you get so you appreciate that.
Besides, he makes me laugh.
you totally need help, Neddie.
But never fear Neddie, we're here for you. Click. click.click.click.click.click.click.click.click. click.click.click.click.click. click.click.click.click.click. click.click.click.click.click. click.click.click.click.click. click.click.click.click.click. click.click.click.click.click. click.click.click.click.click. click.click.click.click.click. click.click.click.click.click. click.click.click.click.click. click.click.click.click.click. click.click.click.click.click. click.click.click.click.
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