We guess is written by a woman (57%), however it's quite gender neutral.
(Hmmm again. Shakesville and I Blame the Patriarchy, two of the most feminist blogs I know of, scored 67% and 74% male respectively, so I'm beginning to suspect a wee smidgen of fraud.)
Remember Hanlon's RaZor, dude! No fraud needed... their "algorithm" is probably garbage.
Heh. I got the same result, Neddie, but 53 percent as opposed to your 57 percent. Can I borrow your eyeliner?
Wren: Homosexual Panic in 3...2...1...
73% female.
Even said Bobby was a girlie.
You're up to 59% now. Is there something you want to tell us.
Mine seems to break it.
80% male.
We guess is written by a woman (58%), however it's quite gender neutral.
I don't get how "blue girl" is quite gender neutral!
After Wren uses your eyeliner, can I use it?
Cute overload broke it too -- the GA said it only handles sites in English! :-)
We got: We think is written by a man (81%).
No waffling comment about "gender neutral", either.
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