You are hereby encouraged to go vote for the Neddie of your choice in the following categories. You vote simply by leaving a Comment in the relevant post.
Best Writing (It would really tickle my scrotum to be a finalist here, hint hint...)
Best New Blog
Most Deserving of Wider Recognition
Best Post (Several candidates. If I were to go under a bus tomorrow, I wouldn't mind being remembered for "Our Harvest Being Gotten In" or "Departed This Life"...)
Best Series -- Mobberly
Most Humorous Blog
Most Humorous Post (This is an odd one: I've written scores of posts funnier than "It Is Mr. Wu's Considered Opinion," but that's the one that rattles around in the bottom of the nomination sieve. Go figure.)
O' course, Helmut is absolutely right, the winners are gonna be the Blogs Everybody Reads, but for now a guy can dream, can't he?)
Your many nominations are well deserved, but I think it takes none of the shine from your particular apple to say that Left Blogistan is awash in quality. We can all partake ravenously and gluttonously from the rich buffet represented by the Koufax nominations. Click at random....so much good writing, so much delicious snark. Driftglass is a personal fave of mine, but there's something for everyone. It's an embarrassment of riches. Wallow at will.
I agree with Roxtar (and you agreeing with me). Clicking through the list of some of the nominees, I realized I need to get out of the house more often. I discovered Driftglass through roxtar.
But you got my vote, Ned, in a couple of categories, including the best post ("Departed this life"). I voted for myself in the two I'm in. Had to....
I too, will be voting for our Neddie once the site lets me back in. They make you wait between posts of comments in order to prevent edxoztkm.
Well, I voted for you for best writing before you put this post up (the toughest vote, and the most meaningful one I cast), and now I sorta regret it -- but only because I hate to think that I had a hand in tickling your scrotum.
Kevin's right; although you made it oh so easy to vote for you wherever you, the Koufaxes make life hard, and life's too short to keep hanging around to see if I can get back in. But I'll try.
Consider yourself tickled, NJ...
Glad to see you liked my Koufax graphic - my hubby and I put that together to celebrate my nominations when we noticed M.B. hadn't had time to do anything yet herself. It certainly seems to have taken off (lots of people borrowing it)! So – best of luck on everything!
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