Bobby Lightfoot, my favorite musician who doesn't speak with a Liverpoodle or Mummerset accent (most of the time) has
a page at Broadjam where you can stream (and for that matter buy, at $0.99 a pop)
his knee-weakeningly gorgeous compositions. Off you go.
1 comment:
Thanks, dude. Your enthusiasm over my current crop and boosting of it is a career highlight.
Believe it or not, I'm starting to get some sniffings-about by publishers and song library types. Stand by for 8-second snippets of Lightfoot on next season's finest reality shows. Maybe they can use "Maybe Next Time" when th' fat transgender half-sister of Bonny Danaduce gets voted off the SUV.
Or maybe "Like Dying" can be th' theme to "Melrose Place v2.0". Th' subsequent G-note can go towards my trldek fund.
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