Well, it appears my time has come.
Not wishing to draw too much attention to just how rarefied a fellowship this puts me in, I won't condescend to enumerate the list of Bloggovian celebrities who have not had their likenesses done by Mr. Shakespeare, but a discreet cough and a vague wave at James Wolcott, Michael Berube, Markos Moulitsas and the Rude Pundit will no doubt make my point. I do, however, join such luminaries as Res Publica and the Viscount LaCarte on Mr. Shakespeare's gallery wall. A signal honor, Mr. Shakespeare, and I'll tip my hat to the Jesus Monument next time I saunter by.
Oh jesus. "Insouciant Rakehell". I may have to change my profile....
It is truly an honor to have you joining us over at the Satirical Museum of Ethernetical Art...
I am not worthy to share the same subetheric space with you, oh Exalted Master. I feel so... undesignated. SOB
May I offer you my humble service as Blogboy in the hopes that a small portion of your Frenetic Internetic Karma will rub off and raise the status of my poor and trembling journal in the eyes of the reading masses?
Or should I merely throw the giant switches, turn out the arc lights, and chase all of my minions out into the cosmic void?
Wow! I had no idea Neddie's Transdimenisonal Shape-Shifter Self looked so much like Freddie Mercury. Hold me, I'm scared.
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