I asked him what he'd named the creature.
"Walter," he replied, after Walter Mondale -- he thought it would be funny to lead the man Reagan bitch-slapped in '84 around by the collar.
But apparently he'd overfed the poor thing, and it got fat and complacent.
So he snagged another Rottweiler, even meaner-looking than the first. And what was the name for this new dog?
"Walter." Walter Cronkite, natch. Liberal Media. You know.
I pointed out that having two dogs with the same name might get confusing, but he pooh-poohed the notion. On the contrary, it's more efficient. You only have to call 'em once. Makes sense, I guess.
Well, as it turns out, tender-hearted old Jeff had overfed this dog too, and just like Walter, it got fat and lazy. I asked how often he exercised the beasts.
"Exercise? I tried that, and it didn't work."
I tried to point out that regular exercise and reduced calorie intake were the approved method for weight loss in humans and canines alike, but Jeff wasn't having it. He laid a muscular hand on my shoulder, looked me manfully in the eye, and intoned,
"You can lead a whore's two Walters, but you can't make 'em shrink."
1 comment:
Ouch. Two hundred and fifty miles away and I still felt that one.
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