(And please, ya maroons, don't add a comment so your comment becomes the last comment. Duh.)
Ain't that neat? A person who actually saw The Bunny Man? Apparently, he'd Googled "Bunny Man Legend Fairfax County" and came chez moi.
This kind of thing keeps happening when you broadcast yourself on the Net. I've avoided talking about certain things, because, you know, from your lips to Google's ears. But the most marvelously serendipitous things keep popping up. Serendippity-doo. Sarah Ann Dippity-Doo.
SuperJoel Tornabene's brother. A guy who knew somebody in the Snobs.
I got an email some while ago from a guy who'd lived at the farm where John Mobberly was killed -- his ancestors were living there during the Civil War, had things stolen by him. The guy told me some family anecdotes about him. (All in good time, kids.)
All this interconnection. People I knew in college pop up. People from high-school. People from old jobs.
I'm going to try something. Guy I knew in college seems to have dropped off the face of the earth -- Googling his name produces only a few results, and they hint at a life about as weird as it gets. (Link arguably NSFW.) Seeing as how he appears to fancy himself something of a King Wizard, with this Aleister Crowley goober, I'm gonna try conjuring him up:
Pasq Wilson, I summon thee! I summon thee! I summon thee!
(Everybody from Kenyon is readin' this an' thinkin', Dude -- do you really want to do this? Cat was a mite . . . chaotic.)
I'll take my chances. See what happens. I'm betting he's here inside two weeks.
Next day edit:

I tried that once.
Of course, that was for Noriko Shimizu, which is about as descriptive as Jane Doe, but then in Japanese.
You know, the Bunny Man looks suspiciously like Ma Virts.
Of course, that was for Noriko Shimizu, which is about as descriptive as Jane Doe
Yeah -- not too many guys around named Pasq.
You know, the Bunny Man looks suspiciously like Ma Virts.
Why yes, I am checking out Ma Virts' ass... Mmmmmm.... Bunny suit....
I assume you have not seen or heard from him since the 1980s. I hate to be so pessimistic, but you are unlikely to hear from our "lost" friend. JD actually saw him in 1996 at the SSW Festival in Austin. That's a great story. They eventually got drunk together and called me in Chicago a few months before I got married. After that, he and I spoke on the phone a few times and had some rather interesting conversations. The reason why I think you will not hear from him is actually contained in the weird post to which you linked (which, of course, I have seen before).
JC, check this out.
Scroll down to the ex-ta-REEM-ly long post by one Perturabo... From March of this year.
I am impressed. JD and I have been unable to find any post 1996-97 references to him on the web. At that time, he had resurfaced by working with (if I am not mistaken) Ann Waldman and a few other latter-day Beat incarnations. But neither of us found anything after that. I haven't tried to find anything in a few years. I believe your earlier link has been on the web for at least 5-6 years. When we couldn't find anything about him, we sort of reached the, er, obvious conclusion. But you seem to have disproven that. One caveat: All you have is what this guy is saying. How reliable is that? It's probably accurate, but, in these circles, who knows? Maybe their other rommate is the Princess Anastasia, or Judge Crater. I mean, we're talking about a guy who went around SF calling himself Father Dionysus. He might have started a cult. For all we know, 2000 years from know, people might be worshipping idols of him and lighting votive candles before his image. Hey, come to think of it, isn't it just a little bit disturbing that we are having this conversation right now? This is beginning to remind me of a Julio Cortozar short story. But, all kidding aside, my point is that we might have, as you'll recall from your Henry James studies, an "unreliable narrator."
Any clues in this google, Neddie?: naropa pasq
Any clues in this google, Neddie?: naropa pasq
Yeah, saw that one, Nonny. Thanks.
JD: Cortazar story -- That's fuckin' cyberspace, man. Who knows how long any of this stuff will be archived, but (if, you know, we don't all fry in a nuclear armageddon or dry up & blow away when the temps hit 150 in the shade) I imagine it'll be quite a long time. Maybe this is the future Gospel According to Neddie... God, do you remember when he took all that acid and thought he was Jesus?
I was going to mention Naropa. That's where Waldman came in, and, of course, Ginsburg as mentioned in the Dark Tower link.
Any clues in this google, Neddie?: naropa pasq
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Waiiiiitaminute!
How'd you know Naropa?
I was wondering about that. How does Nonny know about Naropa?
Gotta' go. I have Elaine Pagels on the other line!
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