I imagine I won't be the only one allowing the parameters of the Topic Under Discussion to expand a bit, if only in my own mind.
I don't think I'm the only one who's allowed a bit too much steam to accumulate over the last five years, the only one who's allowed the War in Iraq to become conflated with the bigotry and anti-intellectualism and smug-assed casual bloodthirstiness and arrogance and cruelty and Hummer-balling, SUV-house-erecting, brown-people-torturing, poor-blaming, flag-waving, ANWR-drilling, wilderness-raping, intelligence-insulting, kleptocratic-tax-cutting, deficit-ballooning, future-generation-impoverishing, crony-enriching, church-state-wall-destroying, evolution-denying, media-oligopoly-conglomerating, treason-accusing, John-Bolton-recess-appointing, academia-slandering, Joe-Wilson-slandering, Richard-Clark-slandering, Paul-O'Neill-slandering, Eric-Shinseki-slandering, Hans-Blix-slandering, Kofi-Annan-slandering, John DiIulio-slandering EVIL of the perpetrators of this war to become all wrapped up together into one burning, white-hot ball of napalm that rages in my stomach and keeps the entire antacid industry in the black.
No, I don't think I'm the only one.
Awesome run-on!
Give 'em hell, Neddie!
I guessing they ain't gonna make ya register for this one...
W can at least take credit for the ever increasing number of high-quality rants available to the discerning reader. At this point, he's GOTTA be grasping at straws. As ever, regards.
Neddie, Neddie, Neddie...
take care not to blow your boiler, under such a head of steam as you describe...
moderation in all things, including moderation... just pick your spots, all's I'm saying.
and no paper airplanes.
I'll be there. Got the contact info from the streetpeople group and through Barbara.
Hope we can meet up.
...gay-marriage-fearmongering, Terry Schiavo-exploiting, incompetent-rewarding...
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