For the record,
host90-157.pool8251.interbusiness.it (Telecom Italia S.p.a. Tin Easy Lite)
Lazio, Marino, Italy, 0 returning visits
was the lucky winner of the five-minute shopping spree at Nichols Hardware, courtesy of the Purcellville Lions Club and the Ayn Rand Club of Patrick Henry College. Host90-157.pool8251.interbusiness.it, come on down and claim your prize!
(I will need proof of an IP addie match, of course...)
Happy Birthday to me, I suppose!
Allow me to be th' first to say enhorabuena. My awe is well-nigh boundless. They say the first 100 G are th' hardest. If those were Soundscan numbers Dreamworks would be calling to wreck your life.
I remain your little brother in every sense at 10,000. Well, 9,970.
Well, 9,900.
Most of which came clicked over from your ass anyway.
So I'm assuming there's a book deal.
kwkjevo- where the Archduke Sjsinand was shot in 1914.
Y'know, it is just possible that was me. I mean, the time fits, and the location too. I wonder ...
tbkdgqqp? A successor to Dvorak?
Congrats, Neddie. Unlike the rest of us you actually deserve the visits.
fuosjgrk - what you take up after mastering foosball
Since Wolcott pointed me your way, opening "basic blogs" (which of course includes yourself, as indispensible as TPM and Eschaton) in firefox tabs every time I open the browser, 10 or 15 times a day, I conservatively estimate that at least 2,000 of those page loads were mine.
I know, I know, and I am already conducting a search for a life.
felicitations, etc...
Ahhhh, my slave is doing so well.
And speaking of -- what have you done for me lately?
Congrats there. I mean, here. Um good. Good work. Keep it. Keep it up. The work. Congrats.
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