Bobby Lightfoot has an absolutely stunning series of posts going on, in which he blogs in exquisite detail th' process of composing, arranging and recording a song-in-progress, titled "I Could Try." I don't know how long th' series is going to be -- he's up to th' fourth installment now -- but right now he's tracking th' rhythm section and planning th' bass part. In th' end, we'll get to hear th' finished song.
I guarantee it'll be as exquisite as the rest of his stuff. (You can sample a few songs in his right column, under "Streaming Bobby".)
It's a master-class in musicianship, like watching over Brian Wilson's shoulder and having him explain at length his thinking and the technical process of creating a beautiful thing. Don't be put off by the music-theory jabber -- just let that wash over you if you don't talk Muso.
Way worth it.
Oh, yes, it is soice, even for a musical ritard such as I. And you're about due for another master series lecture yourself, Neddie.
How about the 5 worst hit songs of all times? Honey? Under the Bridge? More Than Words? Defend your position!
I think I can see a reality show coming out of this. But, knowing bobby's tendency towards the profane, HBO should probably be the channel of choice.
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